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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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The House today passed an extension of FAA authorization, the 23rd extension, and the Senate is expected to follow suit as early as tonight. The extension carries the program through February 17. The extension allows the conferees time to resolve the remaining differences between the House and… Read More
January 24, 2012
Reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs is the closest it has been to moving forward in both the House and Senate since the current authorization (SAFETEA-LU) expired on Sep. 30, 2009, but still faces obstacles in each chamber. In the Senate, the Environment and Public Works (… Read More
January 23, 2012
Significantly fewer construction firms are planning to make layoffs in 2012 than at any point in the past few years according to survey results released today by AGC and Computer Guidance Corporation.  The survey, conducted as part of the 2012 Construction Industry Hiring and Business Outlook,… Read More
January 23, 2012
The rollercoaster ride to the Republican presidential nomination continued on Jan. 21 with Newt Gingrich comfortably defeating Mitt Romney in the South Carolina primary. With Iowa officially declaring Rick Santorum the winner in their caucuses and Mitt Romney taking the New Hampshire primary, what… Read More
January 23, 2012
Following on the heels of the very successful Go Build campaign launched in 2010 in Alabama, Georgia has created a Go Build Georgia effort to address the skilled labor shortage in Georgia by educating young people and the public at large about the wage, lifestyle and employment benefits in the… Read More
January 23, 2012
The 2011 AGC PAC Chapter Board competition finished strong, as 23 (bolded below) of the 38 participating chapters achieved 100 percent board member participation and a chance to win a complimentary, standard registration package for AGC’s 2013 convention. Chapters participating in the 2011… Read More
January 21, 2012
As AGC reported previously, a company called LightSquared is planning to build a national mobile internet network to compete with the data signal offered by major cell phone companies. Early reports indicated that the spectrum they planned to use was too close to the signal band used by the Global… Read More
January 21, 2012
On Jan. 13, 2011, the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace – of which AGC is a member – and co-plaintiffs filed a motion to amend their complaint challenging the NLRB’s employee notice rule to add a count challenging the Board’s authority to implement or enforce the rule with only two members.  The… Read More
January 20, 2012
With Congress returning next week for the second session of the 112th Congress, two major infrastructure authorization bills are in position to move through the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Current extensions of authorizations covering the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and… Read More
January 20, 2012
With only 73 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, today AGC kicked-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012. The campaign, called Make… Read More
January 20, 2012