
Featured Story
May 23, 2024
  Sixty-four percent of highway contractors report that motor vehicles had crashed into their construction work zones during the past year, putting motorists and workers at risk, according to the results of a new highway work zone study conducted by the Associated General Contractors of… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

Last week, AGC helped eliminate a rule issued by the Department of the Army to the Army Federal Acquisition Regulation that sought to remove contracting authority from 400 engineers within the Army Corps of Engineers. The rule would have removed construction experts from having the authority to… Read More
July 24, 2015
Tell Your Senators Why Reverse Auctions Do Not Work for Construction    Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) introduced the AGC-backed Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act, and included the legislation as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization… Read More
July 24, 2015
The AGC co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition launched a new nationwide advertising push this week designed to encourage Congress to fix the Highway Trust Fund.  The new campaign, which includes TV and radio spots, as well as targeted digital advertising, is being… Read More
July 24, 2015
The House and Senate tax writing committees both held hearings this week to examine options for the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. As a backdrop to the hearings, AGC CEO Stephen Sandherr joined with Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer and other association leaders during a media event… Read More
July 24, 2015
  AGC CEO Stephen Sandherr joined with Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer and other association leaders during a June 17 media event to call on Congress to raise the highway user fee to pay for a new long-term surface transportation bill.  During the media event, Sandherr… Read More
July 24, 2015
This week, over 40 member company CFOs and other senior accounting professionals attended the AGC Financial Issues Committee (FIC) Summer Meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo. Committee members were brought up to speed on FASB initiatives and tax matters, as well as provided an economic… Read More
July 24, 2015
On June 9, AGC submitted a letter to the Internal Revenue Service asking for clarification on the reporting process for employers that contribute to multiemployer health plans and the requirements to provide detailed information on the health care coverage employers’ offer. Employers… Read More
July 24, 2015
AGC to Provide Suggestions for Increasing Transportation Revenue    House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) announced that the committee will hold a hearing on long-term financing of the Highway Trust Fund. The hearing will take place Wednesday, June 17 and, according… Read More
July 24, 2015
This week, by a vote of 216-210, the House approved the FY 2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill. The bill includes funding for the Department of Transportation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and other related agencies. The legislation… Read More
July 24, 2015
Use the Fourth of July Recess to Meet with Your Congressmen In-Person    With just seven weeks until the most-recent extension for highway & transit programs expires – on July 31 – the Fourth of July Congressional recess is the perfect opportunity for you to schedule an in-person… Read More
July 24, 2015