
Business Development Best Practices

Every month the Business Development Committee reaches out to small business owners, marketing directors, and public relations specialists to gather valuable insight into the rapidly growing construction industry.

If you're looking to create marketing proposals, build relationships with customers, and increase sales, our Best Practices article series can help.



  • December 2018
    Elizabeth Harr, Hinge

    Business development and marketing go hand-in-hand and when they are in sync, your firm can see increases in visibility, growth, profitability, and more.

    Business Development, Culture & Personnel, Marketing & Branding, Technology & Processes
  • November 2018
    David Little, Gallegos Corporation

    When times are good, some companies tend to drop or back-off on marketing and business development spending. Now is the time to educate your team and support their growth in technical knowledge and developing relationships. 

    Business Development, Communication & Collaboration, Markets & Trends
  • October 2018
    Tim Ashmore, Charter Contracting Company

    Business Development leaders are responsible for identifying and vetting opportunities that are good for business. The steps taken can be the difference between winning and losing. So where do you start?

    Business Development, Procurement & Pricing, Proposals
  • September 2018
    Brian Turmail, Associated General Contractors of America

    Any time an organization reaches a key milestone like its 100th anniversary, it has an opportunity to talk with its stakeholders and position itself for the future. “Celebrating Key Milestones: How AGC of America is Commemorating its Centennial” provides take-aways your company can use in preparing for your celebration.

    Awards, Business Development, Culture & Personnel
  • August 2018
    Keith Horn, Rick Scott Construction

    When budget allocations for business development and marketing are limited, a firm must choose wisely and allocate its funds where they will provide the most impact. 

    Business Development, Culture & Personnel, Technology & Processes
  • July 2018
    Christa Ward, Kieffer’s Appliances

    According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are nearly 30 million small businesses in the United States employing 47.8 percent of U.S. workers.”

    Culture & Personnel, Marketing & Branding, Technology & Processes
  • June 2018
    Jessica Thornton, Wick Fisher White

    Within the architecture, engineering and construction industry, it is not uncommon for many firms to experience a disconnect when it comes to understanding the value of marketing. Here are some practical insights on how you can begin to grow and develop a culture where marketing is not only respected but embraced. 

    Culture & Personnel, Marketing & Branding