Quick Links
- Toolbox Talks
- Coins, Stickers, Banners, etc.
- Articles
- Podcasts/Webinars/Videos/etc.
- Best-Practice Guide
- Written Program
Toolbox Talks
- Healthy Coping & Personal Resilience Tools
- Preventing Suicide in Construction (English | Spanish)
- 12-Pack of Toolbox Talks
- Mental Health vs Mental Illness
- Reducing Stigma
- Stress
- Depression vs Anxiety
- Self-Care: More Than a Fad
- Awareness of Your Own Mental Health
- How to Get Help
- Suicide Awareness
- Alcohol & Drug Use
- Opioids & Other Pain Killers
- Feeling Fatigued
- Bullying - Beyond the Schoolyard
- Coins, Stickers, Banners, etc. - AGC of Missouri has developed a wealth of tangible items (HOPE Coins, Hard Hat Stickers, Banners, and "Let's Talk" conversation card sets) for download or purchase directly from the supplier. Their innovative outreach program titled Hang On Pain Ends (HOPE) offers a position of care and concern while also offering assistance to those who may be in crisis. While they have been gracious enough to design and make available this program, please respect the branding and acknowledgment of their contributors. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Anderson.
- Posters/Banners 1 | Posters/Banners 2
- Stickers (RUOK | Hope Sticker - Circle Coin | Hope Sticker - Flag)
- "Let's Talk" Conversation Cards (please contact Brandon Anderson)
- Order Link for HOPE Coins - https://www.firstplacepins.com/products/associated-general-contractors-hope-coin
- Articles
- Saving Lives, Empowering Firms (May/June 2024)
- Myth Busters: Mental Health on the Jobsite (March/April 2023)
- Continuing to Shine a Light on Mental Health (January/February 2023)
- How AGC is Fighting the Suicide Epidemic (November/December 2022)
- Coming Together to Move Mental Health Forward (November/December 2022)
- On Worker Wellness (September/October 2022)
- Podcasts/Webinars/Videos/etc.
- After a Crisis: Employee Support and Recovery (September 2024) Slides
- Navigating Tough Conversations: Suicide Prevention and Employee Support Strategies (September 2024) Slides
- It Starts with Stress: Understanding Mental Health Challenges in Construction (May 2024) Slides
- Supporting Your Team: Approaching Substance Use and Suicidal Ideation in Construction (May 2024) Slides
- Naloxone/Narcan in Construction: What You Need To Know (November 2023) Slides | Handout
- Contractors Care: An Industry of Support (April 2023)
- Hold On Pain Ends (September 2022)
- Address the Stress: Mental Health for You and Your Teams (May 2022)
- Pain Management for Contractors: Preventing, Identifying and Addressing Opioid Use/Abuse on the Jobsite (May 2022)
- Mental-Health Best-Practice Guide - Written as a Master’s Degree thesis by AGC of Washington safety director, Mandi Kime (CHST, B.S. & B.A., Central Washington University), this Mental-Health Best-Practice Guide is backed by member input to a construction-focused survey. Detailing eight practices that construction employers should consider, this is the first time, to our knowledge, that new data has been developed for mental health in construction that is completely accessible publicly.
- Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Program - AGC of Washington has written a FREE SAMPLE Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Program that can be incorporated into your existing written safety and health programs and policies.
This page was last updated on September 23, 2024.
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