
The requirements for obtaining specialty contractor licenses vary by state, but you can expect to provide proof of work experience, exam completion and liability insurance, writes Evyatar Sagie. Read more here.
AGC’s Lean Construction Forum is focused on growing the implementation of lean practices in the construction industry by providing educational opportunities and developing a community where anyone with an interest in lean construction can come together to engage in a dialog on best practices, share information, and participate in a broad, coordinated effort to promote and define the use of lean concepts and processes within the construction industry.
The AGC Business Development Best Practices are an ongoing effort of the AGC Business Development Forum Steering Committee to bring more BD resources and best practices to the AGC membership. This month, the Business Development Forum Steering Committee highlights: When times are good, some companies tend to drop or back-off on marketing and business development spending. Now is the time to educate your team and support their growth in technical knowledge and developing relationships. In our latest BD best practice, David Little, Gallegos Corporation, discusses “Business Development in a ‘Build, Baby Build’ Market”.
The AGC Business Development (BD) Forum brings together Business Development professionals in one place, for one purpose: to advance the Business Development function in the construction industry. We create business opportunities by sharing the latest techniques and tools of Business Development; follow and report on trends in the construction market; and connect a network of professionals invested in building better businesses. In addition to BD and Marketing professionals, the Forum’s members include Construction Executives, Operations and Pre-construction professionals, from General Contractors and Specialty Contractors, nationwide.
If you receive a request for proposal that includes a long list of requirements, it may be an indication that you're not the prospect's vendor of choice. Other red flags include a limited response window and lack of access to the prospect company's decision-makers, writes John Boyens.
GCs, you know the drill, it’s crunch time—budgets are depleted, schedules are in jeopardy, and the tile contractor is agitating for extra time and money to fix the concrete. It isn’t flat enough for tile and flattening it wasn’t included in the bid, says the email with a change order attached.
The AEC industry is fragmented and slow moving. The legal industry, which drives the structural relationships in construction contracts, is even slower to change. The combination has us stuck in the morass of contractual silos that create confrontation. Some wear this as a badge of honor. They follow a similar pathway that has been around for over a hundred years and have a mountain of case law dissecting the corpses of dead projects gone wrong interpreting this approach.
The Business Development Best Practices are an ongoing effort by the AGC Business Development Forum Steering Committee to bring more BD resources and best practices to the AGC membership. Written and developed by industry experts in Business Development, these best practices cover a wide range of topics, from relationship building and sales to marketing and proposals. This month, the Business Development Forum Steering Committee highlights:
AGC’s 2017 BuildCon brings together leaders, owners and peers of the industry to share, learn and discuss vital business topics so you can compete and excel in today’s market. This year's programming focuses on lean practices and prefabrication and looking at implementation from multiple perspectives. Session highlight: The Practical Applications of Lean: Find out how lean principles were applied to planning and building a 930,000 square foot, $1.2Billion, hospital in the heart of San Francisco, CA. Learn how the use of On-Boarding Videos, Big-Room collaboration, Team Building, pre-fabbed duct assemblies, modular plumbing kits, pre-manufactured porta-potties and many other innovative ideas uncommon to traditional construction made for a safer, under-budget and cutting-edge project.
Contractors and owners involved in construction projects must understand the terms of express and implied warranties, attorney Samina Kapadia writes. Keys to avoiding warranty issues include reviewing the construction contract; oral or written interpretations; and local laws.