
We are excited to announce the opening of the 2024 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Assessment, a resource designed exclusively for construction firms. This tool empowers companies to establish a baseline, measure progress, and celebrate successes in their D&I programs, policies, and practices.

Meet Jeff Forbes, your AGC of America 2024 – 2025 Building Division ChairJeff Forbes, a long-time regional director for one of Beck Group's biggest markets in Dallas, TX, recently began his term as the Building Division Chair at AGC of America. Forbes has built an impressive career in vertical construction. His portfolio is diverse, with projects spanning Hi-rise, healthcare, higher education, churches, and mixed-use developments. But it is not just the buildings that stand tall; Forbes' commitment to professional growth for all and industry advancement is equally towering. He is excited to lead as the Building Division Chair to encourage innovation and engage with all building contractors to make their voices heard on the national level.

The AGC Education and Research Foundation is committed to the growth, development, and encouragement of field research initiatives to enhance the education of construction management students. In support of this vision, the AGC Foundation commissions case studies that will provide today's construction management students the tools to build the industry's future. Cases written by faculty-contractor teams are based on actual experience and provide students with the opportunity to work through issues in a classroom setting.

Report, Titled “AGC for All” Catalogues Association’s Accomplishments During the Past Year

Construction Firms Have Mixed Outlook For 2024 As Expectations For Demand Remain Mostly Positive, But Less Upbeat Than Last Year Amid New Challenges

Help Us Generate a Comprehensive Outlook for 2024 by Taking the Survey Each year around this time, AGC asks you – our members – to predict what next year will be like for your business. AGC has partnered with Sage to prepare questions that focus on expectations for market performance, hiring, labor market conditions, etc. Please take a moment to complete the survey here. AGC of America will use the survey results to help make the case with elected and appointed officials in support of key member priorities. The more people who complete the survey by Thursday, December 7, the more effective the results will be in supporting our work on your behalf.