
We are excited to announce the opening of the 2024 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Assessment, a resource designed exclusively for construction firms. This tool empowers companies to establish a baseline, measure progress, and celebrate successes in their D&I programs, policies, and practices.

New funding opportunities for water systems available

Excavation projects are critical for the development and construction of utility systems, such as drinking and wastewater pipes, traditional and renewable energy sources, and broadband internet. Safety protocols must be adhered to throughout the entire construction process to reduce damages. These safety protocols usually begin with a call to a state one-call notification center before excavation.

The AGC of America Utility Infrastructure Division is pleased to announce the election of Kathy Freeman as Division Chair for 2024-2025. Kathy ascended to the position during the AGC Annual Convention in San Diego, CA. She serves as Safety Director for the Mortensen Denver Operating Group and focuses on the planning, development, coordination and administration of safety and health programs within the organization.

Report, Titled “AGC for All” Catalogues Association’s Accomplishments During the Past Year

Construction Firms Have Mixed Outlook For 2024 As Expectations For Demand Remain Mostly Positive, But Less Upbeat Than Last Year Amid New Challenges

Help Us Generate a Comprehensive Outlook for 2024 by Taking the Survey Each year around this time, AGC asks you – our members – to predict what next year will be like for your business. AGC has partnered with Sage to prepare questions that focus on expectations for market performance, hiring, labor market conditions, etc. Please take a moment to complete the survey here. AGC of America will use the survey results to help make the case with elected and appointed officials in support of key member priorities. The more people who complete the survey by Thursday, December 7, the more effective the results will be in supporting our work on your behalf.

The year’s premier conference focused on highway, transportation, and utility infrastructure contractors is one week away! While you’re waiting to attend the event on November 8-9th, plan your days by checking out the following two education sessions.

Recently, the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) opened their State of Damage Prevention Survey that is open to all UID members. Please take a moment to fill it out to ensure that the excavator perspective is included. The CGA is asking all damage prevention stakeholders to share their thoughts on the most pressing issues, priorities and policies/practices they believe have the most potential to reduce damages to buried utilities. These survey results are used to inform Best Practices and other reports that the CGA releases. Please take a few minutes to complete it before it closes on October 27th!