
You may have noticed that the Municipal & Utilities Division has a new name – the Utility Infrastructure Division.  After the Municipal & Utilities Division Leadership voted to approve the name change at its November 2012 meeting and the Executive Board agreed at their January 2013 meeting, the change was presented as part of a larger update to the AGC bylaws that was accepted unanimously by the AGC Board of Directors at the 2013 AGC Annual Convention.
With the enactment of sequestration and final passage of FY 2013 continuing appropriations, which set funding levels through Sept. 30, 2013, we now know the total dollars appropriated for the SRF and RUS programs and have a more complete picture of future water infrastructure funding. The Clean Water SRF received $1.45 billion and the Drinking Water SRF received $908.7 million – a total cut for the SRFs of $27.5 million, or a 1 percent reduction from FY 2012. The RUS Rural Water and Waste Disposal Loan Program, however, was one of the few winners in this year’s appropriations fight. The program received $524.4 million, an increase of $11.4 million, or 2 percent, over FY 2012.
AGC and a diverse group of more than 55 national coalition partners representing state and local governments, housing and infrastructure developers, transportation groups and private industry, have urged the U.S. Senate to support the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds which local and state governments use to build America’s schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, airports, public transit, water systems and other essential public infrastructure.
On March 20, the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee unanimously approved a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in an effort to address our nation’s aging harbors and inland waterways. The bill would seek to further leverage government funds for water infrastructure projects through an innovative financing pilot project program—referred to as the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)—which can help our nation meet its infrastructure improvement needs.
The AGC Utility Infrastructure Division continues to grow its social media presence. Building on the success of Twitter (Follow the Utility Infrastructure Division @Digwater) for up to the minute information dissemination, the Division has now opened a LinkedIn group specially for AGC members engaged in (or looking to get into) the utility market.
AGC of America hosted its 94th Annual Convention in Palm Springs, Calif., March 6-9, 2013.  The Convention was extremely successful with over 2,000 attendees and offering many educational and networking opportunities.
AGC and a diverse group of more than 55 national coalition partners representing state and local governments, housing and infrastructure developers, transportation groups and private industry, have urged the U.S. Senate to support the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds which local and state governments use to build America’s schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, airports, public transit, water systems and other essential public infrastructure.
AGC is getting additional reports from multiple chapters across the country that state legislatures are considering establishing or strengthening their state government procurement laws regarding domestic sourcing. Many of these efforts would restrict access to well-established global supply chains and increase the administrative burden on contractors. To certify that products and materials used in the construction process meet requirements, it will often necessitate manufacturer certifications that are difficult or impossible to procure.
AGC has received reports from multiple chapters that state legislatures are considering establishing or strengthening their government procurements laws regarding domestic sourcing. Many of these efforts would restrict access to well-established global supply chains and increase the administrative burden on contractors. To certify that products and materials used in the construction process meet requirements, it will often necessitate manufacturer certifications that are difficult or impossible to procure.
In addition to the Department of Labor, the Transportation Department (DOT) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have released their top regulatory priorities for 2012.  Below is a list of regulations from these two agencies that have the potential to impact the construction industry, if finalized.